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Art space in the heart of Limassol since 1992
Exhibitions of Cyprus and international artists & art lessons for adults and children
Opening of Exhibition "LIFE 8"
On 26th May we hosted with great pleasure the opening of the first personal exhibition of Olga Karlson "LIFE 8". The event was opened by Alexey Golovanov, the keeper of Sylikou museums.




Έκθεση Βυζαντινής Αγιογραφίας
On the 31/03/2018, we had the pleasure to welcome the Bishop of Amathunta, Mr. Nicolaos, to open the exhibition of Byzantine Iconography which involved artists Giorgos Mavros, Theodosis Theodosiou, David Bichinashvili, Loizos Orontis, Elena Burnashova and Mihoart Studio.

Opening of exhibition "Spring Colors"
On May 5th we had the pleasure to host the exhibition of artist Diana Malivani. The opening was attended by the Mayor of Yermasoyia Mr. Kyriakos Xydias.




Freedom + Love = Art Exhibition by Rodobaldo Hernandez Garcia
Another successful exhibition by MihoArt Michael Ebanoidze of the renown Cuban artist Rodobaldo Hernandez Garcia, which took place on the 09/12/2017, inaugurated by the Ambassador of Cuba Mr. Omar Leyva Rafull. We thank our honoured guests from the Embassy of Cuba for their attendance and participation.

Opening of Exhibition- Giorgos Mavros
On the 28/10/17 Mr. Antonis Charitou, President of AMA - Associaiton of Mediterranean Artists gave us the pleasure to open the exhibition of the Cypriot Artist - Mr. Giorgos Mavros.

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